My Game Plan Workshop

Tuesday July 30th (9am - 5pm). 









During the workshop you build a game plan for life.

Each of the 10 lessons helps to build the jigsaw puzzle of the future you want to create for yourself as you move towards retirement. You will complete some lessons during workshop and finish the remainder online, after the workshop. 

What people are saying about My Game Plan.


30% of workshop profits are donated to ASA 

Normal price is $1097. ASA members get a reduced rate.

Click below to sign up.


My Game Plan (ASA reduced rate)


Here's what's included:

  • 1 x ticket for My Game Plan 1-day workshop, in Sydney, on July 30th. 
  • 1 x program access to 10 x My Game Plan online lessons (for a recap after the workshop).

Workshop details

Date:  Tuesday July 30th 2024.
Arrival:  8.50am.
Workshop: 9am (start) - 5pm (end).
Venue: Magellan, Level 36, 25 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000.
Pre course work: there is 30 minutes of pre-course work to complete (this will be emailed after you purchase a ticket)

About Nick Freedman, your Workshop Facilitator.

I've been a learning consultant since 2003, working with some of the worlds biggest brands. As well as teaching 1000s how to become conscious leaders and live well, in 2019, I created a program to help people learn how to transition in retirement. If you would like to know more about me, you can watch 2 of my keynote talks. I will be facilitating My Game Plan workshop. 

Buy my ticket to the workshop